Please note that our pre-trade test training course is not a beginners course as it only covers the subjects for trade test. An applicant can only apply for trade test once he/she meets the minimum requirements.

Get More from the Top Trade Test Preparation Centre Available

When it comes to passing your trade test, you need every advantage available to you. This is why we offer the most comprehensive trade test preparation Olifantsfontein has available. We help you prepare thoroughly for your trade test by covering the subjects for the test, and making sure you have a firm foundation in the subjects covered.

Keep in mind, however, that the trade test preparation Olifantsfontein shouldn’t be viewed as a beginners course, since it only covers the subjects for the actual trade test. It’s because of this that we have set out minimum requirements for applicants who wish to apply for our trade test preparation training.

What Are the Minimum Requirements for the Most Comprehensive Trade Test Preparation Available?

In order to ensure you are set up for success, we require each applicant for the Section 26 D trade test preparation training to hold an N2 Qualification, coupled with the relevant trade theory subjects, and a minimum of three years’ relevant work experience.

Motor & Diesel Mechanic

Requirements to apply for ARPL trade test
  • 3 Years relevant workplace experience
  • At least 19 years old
Required documents for the trade test application
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Certified Copy of ID (Not older than 3 months)
  • Original Letter of Employment (TRADE, DATES, DURATION, DUTIES)
  •  If unemployed/ self-employed: Affidavit, indicating work experience and duration (DONE AT A POLICE STATION)

Automotive electricians

Minimum Requirements to apply for trade test
Candidates who have not gone through a formal artisan learning program, but possess the relevant years of working experience in the trade may be granted access to a trade test if they have completed one of the following below:
  1. N2 qualification with the relevant trade theory subject with a minimum of 3 years relevant working experience
  2. Relevant engineering NCV at NQF level 3 and a minimum of 3 years relevant working experience.
  3. Relevant engineering NCV at level 4 including the completion of all relevant work experience modules with a minimum of 18 months relevant working experience
  4. Relevant (directly related to the trade theory subjects) N6 Certificate or National Technical Diploma with 18 months relevant working experience.
  5. Grade 9 and a minimum of 4 years working experience.
Required documents for the trade test application at the Department of Higher Education & Training (Indlela)
Applications for trade test under Section 26 D can be made by submitting the following documents:
  • 3 x Certified ID Copies (Not older than 3 months)
  • Original Reference letter from Company on a letterhead with the companies details and contact information, including v.a.t. no & company registration no, the letter must be signed and the position of the person that signed the letter must be included. (On the reference letter the company must provide a detailed job description relevant to the trade with proof of working experience). The Company stamp must be on the original letter
  • Certified Copy + Orinigal of school certificate (Minimum is a grade 9). If you don’t have a certificate, you can also request a letter from the school stating the grade you have passed with the subjects (NB! The letter must be stamped by the school).

It is the responsibility of the learner to supply these documents. OTC will assist with the checking of these documents, but takes no responsibility for the accuracy and validity of these documents

Applying for Pre-Trade Testing

We reserve the right to recall or refuse the service in the event of non-payment. Should written cancellation not be received within a minimum of five working days prior to the start of any service, applicants will be charged the full amount.

Substitute delegates are welcome at any time, provided full details are sent to the course co-ordinator. Postponements will only be accepted in writing, should it be made before the cancellation clause comes into effect. All fees are payable prior to the first day of training.

If you would like to learn more about our trade test preparation training in Olifantsfontein, or would like to discuss what it can do for your career, contact us today. We look forward to welcoming you on board.

Please note that Training Fees are payable prior to the first day of training.

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